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A young person who will prepare for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and Eucharist must have completed one full year of the Religious Education Program on Friday/Saturday or Catholic School and is currently enrolled in the second year of the catechetical program or Catholic School.  Therefore a person must be in preparation for two consecutive years to receive the sacraments.

Classes are held on Sunday from 10-11:30 a.m. followed by mass.  Parents must register his/her child for these Sunday classes.  Classes are available in Spanish and English.  Parents should be involved in the preparation of children for these sacraments as the primary educators of their children.

All children preparing to receive their First Eucharist must first be instructed and prepared to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Jesus began His work on earth by calling people to repentance and faith: "Reform your lives and believe in the gospel." (Mark 1:15)  The Sacrament of Reconciliation continues his work of forgiving and reconciling.  Catechesis of young people for reconciliation must always respect the natural disposition, ability, age and circumstances of individuals.  It seeks:
1. to make clear the relationship of the sacrament to the child's life.
2. to help the child recognize moral good and evil, repent of wrong doing, and turn for forgiveness to Christ and the church.
3. to encourage the child to see that, in this sacrament faith is expressed by being forgiven and forgiving.
4. to encourage the child to approach the sacrament freely and regularly.

Catechesis recognizes the Eucharist as the heart of Christian life.  It helps young people understand that celebration of the Eucharist forms and nourishes the faithful with Christ, the bread of life.  Catechesis for children seeks to strenghten their awareness of the Father's love, of the call to participate in Christ's sacrifice, and of the gift of the Spirit.  Children are taught that the Eucharist is both meal and sacrifice and that it is a memorial of the last supper.
Preparation for the Reception of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist